Facebook Friendship Anniversary Storyboards

Posted by on Sep 30, 2016 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I don’t often post my storyboarding work for advertising but this was the last big gig I drew onsite at 1st. Avenue Machine before I left New York to move to Hawaii.

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These are from the Facebook Friendship Anniversary video that features you and a friend or your friends and appears in you feed. Here are some of the frames that made the cut (there were a lot that didn’t, but that’s how it works!). I had no idea that the final product would be so prominent or turn out as cool as it did! I shouldn’t be surprised, Director Aaron Duffy, who I’ve been lucky to work with a few times, has a made really exceptional music videos and commercials. Enjoy the storyboards and hopefully you and one of your besties turns up in your feed!

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