Rabid Rabbit 10 soon to be off to press

Posted by on May 2, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

We keep doing it. Against our better judgment and the concerns of Adam Eye- We gone and put together another Rabid Rabbit. Rabid Rabbit’s Kitty Kitty, our tenth issue will be debuted at the 2009 MoCCA Festival. At eighty pages it’ll clock in as our heftiest book to date. It’s a comic book dedicated to […]

Graphic Novel Reporter interview and stumptown

Posted by on Apr 22, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Ohh, man. I’m tired in too many ways to describe. I just got back from Portland, OR after attending a great Stumptown comicsfest. It was a truly good time and cheers to everyone I met there- On another note my interview with Dr. Katie Monnin about Graphic Novels is now up at the Graphic Novel […]

Graphic Novels in the Classroom

Posted by on Apr 13, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I was asked by Dr. Katie Monnin, a professor of Literacy at the University of North Florida recently for my thoughts on comic/graphic novels and there growing presence in the world of education. Below is some of what I wrote her- It’s an overview so I don’t explore some of the historical aspects completely. When […]

Bad Ninja Man 1

Posted by on Apr 12, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I’ve started playing around with this cool website and have created this poorly made very obnoxious video. maybe one of many to come?

work work work

Posted by on Apr 9, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I’m starting to get ready to go to PDX next week for the Stumptown comicfest- which I’m really excited for. My brother and I will have a table and will pushing Rabid Rabbits and our own stuff. I’m currently working on a the early stages couple of graphic novels. One about a zombie cat and […]

Some new reviews for Gettysburg

Posted by on Mar 23, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Just a short note on some reviews that have been floating around. I found these recently and they for the most part are favorable.  The Graphic Novel Reporter Rob Vollmar’s comic review blog Shelf Employed And I was nominated American Library Association for the Great Graphic Novels for teens award. 

Back from Vacation

Posted by on Mar 13, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

For two weeks and a couple of days I relaxed and drew little in Hawai’i. I don’t want to complain but it did rain half of the time, which probably doesn’t evoke much sympathy unless you consider how little there is to do in a tropical paradise when it’s raining other than wish it wasn’t […]

Comic Con and E is for elevator!

Posted by on Feb 7, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I’ll be at New York Comic Con today so if your willing to plunk down forty bucks(REALLY!?!?) to see me amongst cosplay enthusiasts then coooool beans. It’s always an over the top event that afterwards usually requires a cool down period. Aside of that I dug this out of the bin and splashed it up […]

New York Comic Con

Posted by on Feb 2, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I will be signing my new book “Gettysburg- the Graphic Novel” at the New York Comic Con at the Harper Collins Table. 6 to 7 pm, February 7th at the Jacob Javitz Center. I will also be participating on a panel for the Friends of Lulu organization on the representation of women in comics earlier on […]

Gettysburg page samples

Posted by on Jan 29, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Here are some pages from my new book Gettysburg. I’ll be signing the book at New York Comic Con at the Harper Collins table (1814) at 6 pm on Saturday, February 7th.