Let’s Get KRAKEN!
Groan, Yep. That’s a terrible blog post title- what’s done is done and I have no way of changing the past… If you’re anywhere near New York, I am sorry for you and I hope that you have a fully functioning AC ’cause it’s very definition of these lyrics : “Hot town, summer in the city, Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty, Been down, isn’t it a pity, Doesn’t seem to be a shadow in the city, All around, people looking half dead, Walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head” I walked outside yesterday and immediately hated myself for doing so.
On to the topic at hand: Here’s my fully functional “Kraken” silkscreened accordion book which I’ll be selling at conventions all over the country- next big one is SPX so I hope you’ll drop by and say “Howdy” in Bethesda!
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