My TeePublic Shop is Live and Kicking
I’ve had my stuff on Tee-Public for awhile now. I mainly used it as an outlet for people who wanted my work on T-shirts that I don’t personally have in stock. I’ve now invested time and effort in improving my presence on the site. There are now a ton of my images available to purchase on […]
Red Panda Chibi
It’s almost too easy to convert a Red Panda into a chibi. It’s like they made to be chibi. You can get this guy on t-shirts, mugs, and so much more at my TeePublic store! If you’d like to pick up a Red Panda Chibi anything- Pick it up Here!
Surf Lucky Kitty T-Shirt
Need some luck catching waves? Look no farther than this gnarly lucky feline! You can pick this up on t-shirts, coffee mugs, phone cases, and all sorts of things! Get one HERE
A Boxing Chicken T-shirt? It’s gonna knock you out!
I’ve designed another t-shirt for Tee Public. This time it’s the very image I ever silk screened. “Boxing Chicken”! You can check it out and buy it right here Thanks!